Tag Archives: Cardigan

In which I need help.

At this moment, Bloussoir is pinned out on my bed, peaceful and at rest. Apart from buttons, it is complete.


I love the difference blocking makes.

My sweater may be calm, but I’m not. Ever since I bound off the last stitch last night, two words have been playing themselves over and over in my mind. These are the two words that turn knitters’ sensible friends cold with fear. They make yarn store owners the world over cackle and rub their hands with delight. They make Ravelry up its bandwidth limits, and designers high-five each other over flutes of champagne.

Those two words are, “Now what?”



My friend wants socks, and my apartment needs a blanket, and I have enough yarn for a lightweight sweater for me, but really, I want a thicker sweater, and Matt wants a pullover in a very specific shade of green, and my fingers are cold so I really need mittens, and I know I just bought yarn yesterday, but somehow, I already need more.


I know, I know. I’m so deprived.

Even assuming I stick to the yarn I already have, I still don’t know what to make next. I’m craving a warm round crochet blanket in the Cascade Eco I bought yesterday, but do I want this one or this one or this one or… there are so many beautiful ones, I can’t choose! It’s the same with socks and mittens. What do you do when you can’t decide on a project?

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Q: Why is this cardigan like my stats class?

A: Because it’s going  very, very slowly.

I had three assignments due last week, plus I worked a whole lot of hours, so I haven’t had much time for, well, anything. My apartment is a disaster, my laundry pile is so old it can legally drink in some provinces, and, worst of all, my sweater is progressing at the speed of lint.

Oh hi! I'm your neglected, forlorn sweater.

Oh hi! I’m your neglected, forlorn sweater.


But, even though I’ve been ridiculously stressed with school and life in general, I’ve still been knitting here and there.  (Hey, I said I was stressed, not dead). I’ve got the button band done, finished the first sleeve, and now just need to get the ribbing done on the second sleeve.

Q: Why is this cardigan NOT like my stats class?


A: Because there’s an end in sight.

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