Tag Archives: crochet


I’m a pretty monogamous person. I’ve been dating the same person for almost as long as I’ve been dating, I feel vaguely guilty when I let my Sims cheat on their spouses, and every time I have a sex dream it ends with my dream-self crying and apologizing. But, most importantly, I only knit one project at a time.

I know, from talking to my knitting friends, that this is an uncommon occurrence, and vaguely frowned upon, like sticking to one person in an orgy. But I can’t help it. I find a project, I get really into it, and I stick with it through all its ups and downs. In short, I take it unto me until cast-off do us part.

Until this week.

I started a crochet blanket. As a person whose main craft is knitting, I love crochet. It’s lacy and delicate and warm and cuddly, all at the same time. I found this doily pattern knit up in a heavy weight yarn, and I fell in love.

Who wouldn't want to snuggle up to this thing?

Who wouldn’t want to snuggle up to this thing on a cold winter night?

But this project was challenging. Finicky, if you know what I mean. It needed constant attention, and it was wearing me out. I found myself dreaming about something simple. That same night, I cast on socks.

Nothing to worry about here but knit and purl.

Nothing to worry about here but knit and purl.

They were just what I needed.  They were so easy to take out with me: I could put them in my purse and work on them on the bus, or at school.  The blanket was a challenge, but I loved it; the socks were worry-free, but only good for small doses. I had the perfect setup.

And then I finished the first sock, and the blanket just kept getting bigger with no end in sight, and, I’m ashamed to say it, I ended up on Ravelry again. There’s no harm in looking, I said to myself. And then I started swatching.

There are some kinks to work out, but I've got it almost how I want it.

There are some kinks to work out, but I’ve got it almost how I want it.

But I’m not stopping there. I’ve got Christmas gifts to knit, plus I promised my boyfriend a new sweater, and and you better believe I’m not going to hold back on casting on new projects now, baby. It’s going to be a regular knitting harem in here.

Still, I’m glad I’m monogamous where it counts. Imagine having two boyfriends?

I’d have to knit them both sweaters, and I don’t have enough free needles.

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